Sunday, 22 May 2011

B.P.M (Beats Per Minute)

As I mentioned in my previous blog (re-mix) that its really imp. to kno the TEMPO or BPM of ur track on which u are working or makin a remix of.

First of all....

What is BPM?
Dont misundastood this term with Business Process Management...lolz
as its nthing to do with this BPM which m talking about.
BPM stands for Beats Per Minute. It means the beat rate on which the song is playing
BPM is counted at 4 beats which goes like this 
1...2...3...4...1...2...3...4...1...2...3..4............depending upon the Tempo of the track.

Now the thing which is going through ur mind would be...WHAT THE HELL IS TEMPO?

So lemme tell u dat Tempo is the SPEED of the track on which the track is playing.
it dont require much intro. even u can judge the speed of the track by listening the track as
its playing fast or slow.
BPM and Tempo are one of the same thing

Example : trance music is faster in comparison of RnB or hip hop due to its high tempo
                or RnB nd hip hop are faster than classic or country music and vice a versa.

Note : Most hip hop songs' BPMs are in between 88 and 112. Most house songs range in the mid-120 BPM range

If u kno the BPM (beats per minute) u can calculate the tempo.

So there are few easy steps for calculating BPM.
following them u can calculate the BPM of ur tracks by urselves without having any difficulty.

1) Listen to the Drum Beat of the track very carefully

2)Now, look at ur watch and start counting the beats on ur fingures according to the drum pattern for 15 seconds.
(keep on counting all the snare or drum hits with the nod of ur head . Each time u nod count that as one and when u will continously do that u will be doing something like this 1...2...3...4...1...2...3...4...1...2...3...4......
do it for 15 seconds atleast).

3) Calculate ur BPM
Now in those 15 seconds lets say u counted 24 drum hits, which means that if u multiply that by 4 u will kno that how many beats are there in one minute(15seconds x 4 =60 seconds=1 minute) so if u counted till 24 drum hits than the BPM is 96
and if u have counted 36 drum hits in 15 seconds than BPM would be 144 BPM

After calculating ur BPM set ur project according to it and start working on ur track.

Tips :

a) If the track is playing with drum and cymbals than count on cymbal hit as it will be easier.
b)to increase ur accuracy try and count for longer period of time i.e. more than 15 seconds
c) if u are mixing a very old song lets say before 70's or 80's than u will notice that BPM is not constant during the entire song. it goes slightly up and down as drums are played due to live recordings
d)If u play any musical instrument than u must have heard of Metronome by using that u can calculate BPM is seconds using its tap.
e) Most of the DAW's (digital Audio Workstations) or music making softwares have ability to calculate BPM by just one click u can use that also.

Here are few beat tracks. Try n calculate the BPM of these tracks and let me kno
so thats all for now....
if u have missed anything from my previous blog (re-mix) than u can read that again from Archives block (located at left side of my blog)

next time i will discuss about home studio recordings and how to build them.

if u have any questions or queries related this post or previous one just leave a comment and i will revert back soon.

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